Enrolment Result

Soon, you’ll get an email with instructions to access our online learning platform. When it arrives, follow the steps to log into your student portal.

What’s next?

Check your class details:

    • Once you’re in your student portal, click the Calendar at the top.
    • Find your course on the calendar and click on it.
    • You’ll see all the info about your class, including your Zoom link.

Provide your ID documents:

    • Before the course starts, you need to upload three matching original ID documents.
    • Log into your portal, go to your course, and click Evidence of Identity on the menu to the left.
    • Follow the instructions to upload your documents.
    • Don’t forget to bring these IDs to class because your trainer will need to check them.

We’re excited to have you join Admire Workplace Safety and can’t wait to see you!