Frequently Asked Questions
How long is the White Card valid for?
The White Card doesn’t expire. Once you have it, it’s good for as long as you keep working in construction. Just make sure you don’t leave the industry for two consecutive years, because then you might need to retrain.
After enrolling in a White Card webinar, can you get me a job?
Enrolling in a White Card webinar is the first step towards getting a job in construction, as it shows you know the basics of safety. However, getting the job will depend on finding openings and applying yourself. The webinar itself doesn’t guarantee a job, but it definitely helps you qualify for one.
What are the ID requirements for your White Card training course?
For our NSW face-to-face and Queensland online course, you’ll need to provide valid identification. This could include a driver’s licence, passport, or another type of government-issued ID. They usually ask for something with your photo and name to confirm who you are. Make sure to fulfil the 100-point ID requirement as evidence of identity.
What is the minimum age for obtaining a White Card in NSW and Queensland?
You need to be at least 14 years old to get a White Card both in New South Wales and Queensland.
What is a USI?
A USI is a Unique Student Identifier. It’s like a student number that keeps all your training records and results from different places in one spot online. If you’re taking any training course in Australia, like for a White Card, you need a USI so your qualification can be officially recorded.
Apply for a USI at
Is a Queensland White Card recognised in all Australian states and territories?
Yes, a White Card from Queensland is recognised all across Australia. So if you get your White Card here in Queensland – whether you’re in Brisbane, Cairns, Townsville, or the Gold Coast – you can use it to work on construction sites anywhere in the country. This makes it a great asset for your career in construction no matter where you decide to work.
Is a NSW White Card recognised in all Australian states and territories?
Yes, a White Card obtained in New South Wales (NSW) is recognised in all Australian states and territories. The White Card is a national requirement for construction work, and once you have obtained it from any state, it allows you to work legally in the construction industry anywhere in Australia.