Training Courses
The upgrade/refresher process is aimed at individuals that hold current traffic control qualifications and want to be able to operate portable traffic control devices such as temporary traffic lights or boom gates, maintain their industry currency and remain compliant with TfNSW training requirements. New Safework NSW Traffic Controller Qualification RIICOM201E – Communicate in the workplace […]
RIIRTM301E – Operate truck or trailer mounted attenuator This training provides the skills and knowledge required to operate truck or trailer mounted attenuator when carrying out traffic management activities. It includes planning and preparing, using radio communication, operating and positioning truck or trailer mounted attenuator, using traffic controls, and cleaning up. Pre requisites 12 […]
This course is aimed at all construction tradespeople, in particular demolition workers, renovators, handypersons, DIY enthusiasts and anyone else who is likely to come into contact with asbestos in existing older buildings and dwellings. Completion of this course will ensure employers of these workers meet their legal obligation to provide asbestos awareness training. Further training […]
UETDREL006 Work safely in the vicinity of live electrical apparatus as non-electrical worker – initial Description This course will provide you with the necessary technical knowledge to safely work near overhead power lines as a non-electrical worker. Identify hazards associated with working or operating vehicles/plant, equipment and hand held tools near overhead power lines Identify […]
UETDREL006 Work safely in the vicinity of live electrical apparatus as non-electrical worker – Refresher Description This course will provide you with the necessary technical knowledge to safely work near overhead power lines. Identify statutory Acts and Regulations associated with working or operating vehicles/plant, equipment and hand held tools near overhead power lines Identify hazards […]
RIIWHS204E Work safely at heights Description This training course covers all aspects of working safely at heights. It includes identifying the work requirements, work procedures and instructions for the task, accessing and installing equipment, performing work at heights and cleaning up the work area. Delivery and Assessment Requirements The delivery of this course is classroom […]
Prepare to work safely in the construction industry is also known as White Card training. Current Work Health & Safety (WHS) Legislation requires all employees that either work in the Construction Industry or enter any building or construction site, to be trained in WHS in the workplace. Upon successful completion of the course you will […]
Safework NSW TCWT – Prepare Work Zone Traffic Management Plan This course provides the skills and knowledge required for individuals responsible for developing traffic management plans and traffic guidance schemes to perform a preliminary risk assessment of a temporary traffic management site and select, modify and design traffic management plans and traffic guidance schemes. This […]
Safework NSW TCWT – Implement Traffic Management Plans This course addresses the skills and knowledge for personnel responsible for traffic management on a site to implement a work zone traffic management plan in the immediate vicinity of a workplace. This course does not qualify a participant to control traffic with a stop/slow bat or boom gate, or […]
Traffic Controller This course provides training for staff who are required to control traffic with a stop/slow bat. This course does not qualify a participant to set up or work with traffic control plans. Safework NSW TCWT – Traffic Controller This course addresses the skills and knowledge for those responsible for stopping and starting […]